How To Make Your Chromebook Dark Mode With Keyboard

How To Make Your Chromebook Dark Mode With Keyboard

You’ve decided to activate dark mode on your Chromebook. You just cannot do so, to put it. For the time being, at least. Google has invested a tremendous amount of work in developing this feature. As of this writing, it is still not officially supported on Chrome OS. How to make your Chromebook Dark Mode with keyboard will not be a query after this write up.

It will eventually be made available, but who has the patience to wait that long? The following are some options for using a workaround approach to enable dark mode on your Chromebook.

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What Is Dark Mode, Exactly, And How Does It Work?

On most gadgets, dark mode is the default option. It’s time to retire to your bed. Many of the “cool kids,” or whatever you want to call them these days, are interested in it.

It is a setting that, in essence, changes the bright colors of your web pages to their corresponding “darker” colors.

To put it another way, everything is either black or dark grey in hue, rather than having a lot of whitespaces.

This functionality is STILL in the early phases of development as an experimental feature as of January 2021. Go to Chrome OS flags and choose “Dark Mode” from the list to try it out.

Update for 2022: This is now available for download and uses on Chromebooks and other devices (the vast majority). It’s as simple as turning it on in your Google account settings. It works with all Google services, including Gmail (Google search, YouTube, Gmail, Drive, Maps, etc.)

You should expect bugs, glitches, and other unusual UI issues because it’s currently in development. If you’re still interested, here’s how to go about it:

  • Chrome will be made available to the public.
  • Type “chrome:/flags” into the address box and press Enter.
  • Look for the word “dark” using the keyboard shortcut “CTRL + F.”
  • Look for the flag “#enable-force-dark” in Chrome OS and ensure it’s enabled (dark mode menus, navigation, and buttons will appear).
  • Use the same technique to enable “#enable-webui-dark-mode” in Chrome.
  • Close the window and leave the room.
  • You’ve finished the job! Appreciate your freshly improved UI, which now includes a dark mode.

What Makes You Do It?

For starters, it’s much more aesthetically pleasing than the old one.

If you use your Chromebook late at night, the bright screen from websites that employ a lot of colorful colors and backgrounds can strain your eyes.

Large expanses of white space dominate modern web design, which is challenging to deal with and can induce eye strain if not handled appropriately (at least for me).

If you’re browsing in the dark, the problem becomes considerably worse.

You may darken all brighter colors and backgrounds on your computer by selecting “dark mode.”

As a result, it’s much easier on the eyes, and you can even browse in the dark without straining. You’ve probably experienced the frustration of reading content on a dark background only to be taken to a page with a blinding white background when you click a link. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt this way.

All of this happened in the darkness! In a nutshell, this is why you should use dark mode.

I didn’t like it at first, but it was relatively easy to adjust to after a while. You will notice a reduction in eye strain and weariness within a few days.

While not as good as Flux, Chrome OS has a built-in dark mode that is useful for folks who use their Chromebook for long periods.

Many People Prefer Dark Mode:

Aside from the ability to browse in the dark, people use this mode for several purposes. It’s used for a wide range of things, including but not limited to:

  • Those who spend most of their time front of a computer screen are programmers and developers.
  • Web designers and programmers are among many who work in this field.
  • Video or photographic material editors
  • Individuals who need to utilize their Chromebook in low-light situations
  • “Night owls” are people who use the internet without turning on the lights.
  • Others may simply despise having so much blank white space staring them down all day.

Whatever the situation, the dark mode has become a popular option that a rising number of Chromebook users are choosing to use. Despite knowing that Google is working on it, no announcement has been made, leaving Chrome OS users in the dark mode.

We’ll have to think outside the box and devise some inventive solutions for Chromebook users to address this issue.

Use Dark Theme Or Mode:

The first option is to make your website’s theme dark. Hundreds of them can be downloaded from the Chrome Web Store. Furthermore, there are a few things that can help to make it more bearable.

The best thing about utilizing a dark theme is that you may choose whether or not to use it at any given time.

If you only need dark mode on your Chromebook for a few tasks, you can enable it in the proper spot.

There is also a “regular” theme for the day and a “dark” theme for the night. The best aspect of using a theme is how easy it is to enable and disable it on a certain website.

Another benefit is that specific themes automatically change from light to dark depending on the day.

Put another way; it will make all of the necessary modifications without your help. Isn’t that amazing?

In no particular order, these are some of the greatest dark Chromebook themes I’ve found so far:

You Can Use Chrome Extension:

We’ll use a Chrome extension to help us with this. We want to use just the best of the best because so many of them are available on the Chrome Web Store.

Fortunately, I’ve already accomplished the chore for you by experimenting with 6-7 of them over the last month.

Some were lovely, but the colors didn’t render properly, making it difficult to understand what was being conveyed. Others were a complete waste of time because they didn’t work.

Here are a few extensions you should think about using. How to make your Chromebook Dark Mode with keyboard here is an answer with some extensions

Dark Reader:

Out of all the extensions I’ve tried, Dark Reader is one of the most popular (so far).

This extension works with the vast majority of websites and generates colors in a way that protects your eyes from harm. You may create bleak themes for all of the things you visit as you journey across the world by inverting the bright colors to darker tones.

The necessity to convert every site in real-time has resulted in a minor performance hit; however, this is to be expected.

Apart from that, I’m not having any trouble. It’s feasible that Google will improve Chrome OS to make it work like our plugin, and we’ll be successful.

You may experiment with various settings, including contrast, brightness, a sepia filter, an allowlist, and typography tweaks.

It’s also worth noting that Dark Reader doesn’t collect any of your personal information, which is a great feature.

Dark Theme For Any website:

This plugin/extension does exactly what it says on the tin and is entirely free to use.

When utilizing real-time color conversion applications like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, certain websites did not display as well as they could have (e.g., unpleasant tones), but this is expected. Furthermore, it is far faster than some of the other extensions.

The option to use the built-in settings to make some websites dark while others are light is perhaps the most beneficial feature.

Basic grayscale, sepia, brightness (or lightness), contrast settings, and a direct contrast option are also available.

Super Dark Mode:

Super Dark Mode allows you to use an automatic dark mode and a global CSS style sheet for those who know how to use it. This extension will get you the dark mode on your Chromebook with keyboard.

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Instead of having each website have its color scheme, you can use a stylesheet to apply a set of rules to all of them.

At this time, the automatic setting is fully functional. Depending on your preferences, you can set it to turn on or off dark mode on its own.

You may also build an allowlist of the sites you want to apply for the extension and choose which ones to apply with some easy tinkering.

It’s worth noting that this plugin can’t “darken” two separate websites at once:

  • New tabs have been added to the pages.
  • The Chrome Web Store is a service provided by Google to its users.

The lighting in the rest of the room can be dimmed. On the other hand, this is a straightforward fix.

Install a Chrome new tab page customizer and pick one that lets you choose a dark theme for your new tab page.

You won’t have to deal with a blank screen every time you open a new tab if you use this strategy.

Night Eye: 

You can visit a few websites for free with Night Eye before paying to use their plugin daily.

Is it truly worth the investment? Is it genuinely worthwhile? I’m at a loss for words. To be honest, it’s something I haven’t tried yet. However, the performance of the free version appears to be enough.

You have three alternatives for making your choice: dark, filtered, and regular.

Dark allows you to move all colors to their darkest tones to make it easy on your eyes.

Filtered preserves the site’s colors while allowing you to adjust brightness, contrast, color warmth, and other settings to your liking.

Normal is similar to turning off the extension in that pages are delivered typically.

The filtered mode doesn’t do anything that other extensions can’t already do. You’re effectively staring at a dark way with Night Light turned on.

You can mimic this experience on Chrome OS by installing a free dark mode extension and linking it to Night Light (more on this later).

It eliminates the need for a Night Light because it has a built-in blue light filter, which is quite useful.

In addition, when working in dark rooms or dimly lit locations, there is a “Lower” setting that allows you to reduce the brightness as desired.

For those who prefer a “smoother” experience, a website image converter merely converts the little images on a page.

Dark Night Mode:

Dark Night Mode is a real-time function that turns all websites you browse into a dark theme.

There’s nothing about this expansion that sets it apart from the rest. This adjustment, on the other hand, does not reverse the colors; therefore, black backgrounds will not become white as a result.

Doesn’t that appear to be the exact opposite of what you desire to happen?

There is no color inversion in this case; thus, the images will not be damaged.

There’s also an automatic mode, an allowlist, brightness sliders, and additional options.

You should look into this program if you notice color inversion or photos that aren’t showing up correctly. Here you go for a dark mode.

Night Shift:

The Night Shift feature works the same as your computer’s Night Light feature. As the evening approaches, it adjusts the warmth of your lights to a more pleasant level.

Even if this isn’t precisely dark mode, choosing warmer colors at night will significantly reduce eye strain.

This extension or the built-in one can be used (covered later). Several options are available, including creating a custom schedule, using a pre-defined timetable, or turning it off.

What Evidence Supports The Assertion That Blue Light Is Harmful To Your Eyes?

Yes. Your eyes aren’t the only ones who are affected. You can link blue light in the following conditions.

  • Eyes staring at a computer screen for a long time are tired.
  • Eye strain is a very prevalent problem.
  • Sleep apnea is a prevalent occurrence.
  • Hormones are repressed in the body.
  • The asleep disorder is melatonin deficiency.
  • The body’s normal circadian cycle has shifted.

Some of them allow you to choose when you want to use dark mode and when you want to turn it off entirely.

This is beneficial since it eliminates switching between the dark and normal mode bands. You can use timers to ensure that everything gets done when it’s supposed to.

These characteristics will undoubtedly benefit those looking for a hybrid solution that uses day mode during the day and night mode at night.

To be sure, if you want the dark mode to be active all of the time, you can download a Chromebook extension that activates and maintains the dark mode.

It’s important to remember that many of these extensions aren’t without flaws.

Because each web page is different, the colors may appear to be rendered wrong on occasion, making the text difficult to read.

As a result, you may have to turn the extension on and off for different websites. For the time being, we’ll have to put up with it until Google merges and manages this feature into Chrome OS.

Some of these extensions, I believe, include the option to add pages to a safelist, which prevents the colors from being inverted.

This is vital in rare locations where the colors do not travel as expected, and it could save your eyes from a horrific experience. The majority of the pages are functional, although there are some problems and errors. For the time being, though, it will suffice!

Turn Down Your Brightness:

Make certain you don’t make the same error as Patrick. Make a brightness adjustment if necessary.

At this time, it’s probably self-evident. If you want to use your Chromebook in the dark, dim the screen and lower the brightness. If your device’s screen does not have a dark mode, it is recommended that you reduce the brightness to protect your eyes from damage and strain.

To avoid straining your eyes when reading text, simply lower your keyboard’s brightness to the lowest setting allowed.

If you’re using a dark theme or a dark mode extension, keep in mind that your browser’s brightness may need to be increased. If you increase the brightness of your screen while it is already dark, it may become excessively dark! To avoid harm, simply use common sense and eye protection.

Make a choice depending on what makes you feel the most at ease.

Enable Night Light:

The amount of blue light emitted by your Chromebook’s screen has been dramatically reduced since the introduction of Night Light.

This isn’t the same as a dark mode in that it doesn’t turn brilliant colors into darker ones like the dark mode does. However, it dims your screen’s overall brightness, which may minimize eye strain.

Blue light is emitted by almost every electronic equipment, which is an issue. According to studies, being exposed to this light keeps you awake.

Blue light can also induce eyestrain, sleep disturbances, and many other issues that you probably don’t want to deal with.

Using your phone, laptop, or computer shortly before bed is not an intelligent idea.

That’s probably why blue light filters are now in almost every electronic item on the market:

What Is The Purpose Of Night Light?

You will be able to see the colors shift on your screen right before your eyes! If you don’t, double-check that you’re still inside the time limit you’ve established for yourself. Continue if you are.

Play with the settings until you find a screen that isn’t too bright but not too dark, then save your changes. Dim lighting can be hazardous to your eyes like intense illumination does. Move the slider to the right to reach a comfortable setting.

It’s important to remember that adjusting to this will take time and effort. To begin, try lowering the brightness of a smidgeon.

Increase your efforts progressively until you have a nice orange glow at night. The plan would be to use it right before a night in the future.

To decrease the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes and influences your sleep habits, you want it to be as warm as possible. It makes your screen’s colors “dimmer” and “warmer.”

Instead of the electric blue, the finished result will have more orangish tones.

Only if you’ve ever used a program like F.lux will you completely understand what I’m talking about. If you haven’t already, give it a shot, and let us know! It does an excellent job of providing nighttime eye protection.

F.lux is the software I use on my computer; however, I do not use Night Light on my Chromebook because it is only utilized daily.

I can, however, attest to the integrity of the “does the night light work?” debate.

Try Beta Channel:

Beta testing of Chrome OS is going on right now. It’s possible that you’re being looked at. In order to get the official dark mode for Chrome OS, you must first upgrade to the Beta channel.

As soon as the function becomes available in Beta, you’ll be able to use it.

Instead of waiting for a stable public version to be released, you can now use it.

You can install Chrome OS Beta on your computer by following these instructions:

  • On your computer, open the Chrome web browser.
  • Type “chrome:/about” into the URL bar and press Enter to access the about page.
  • Select “Detailed build information” from the drop-down menu.
  • The drop-down menu allows you to choose “Channel.”
  • Select a channel from the drop-down menu to change it.
  • You can confirm your choices by selecting the “Beta” channel.

As a result, you’ll need to restart your Chromebook, and you’ll be in the Beta Channel, where you’ll have access to all of the experimental and beta features.

This also means you’ll be the first to try dark mode when it becomes available on a larger scale in Chrome OS. If you’d like, you can also offer Google feedback.


It is possible to have too much of it when it comes to actual life. Wait for Google to announce the Chromebook, which has been rumored for a long time and should be in Chrome OS soon. This is the fourth option.

Some users claim to be running Chrome 76 Beta and haven’t seen anything yet, while others claim to be running Chrome 76 Beta and haven’t seen anything yet.

We haven’t seen anything from Chrome 76, even though it has been put into the Stable channel. It is hoped that it will be out soon rather than later. People haven’t talked about dark mode for a long time. They didn’t like that it was available for other platforms (like Windows) but not for Chrome OS.

This, on the other hand, only signals that a new Chrome OS version with the dark mode is on the road. We’re imploring you, Google, to switch us to night mode!

I’ll update this guide as soon as the official release date is revealed.

I hope you were successful in your hunt for a valid extension or theme in addition to testing with Chrome OS Night Light.

Although it isn’t a pretty dark mode, it should help you sleep better at night. Let us know in the comments if you have any other fantastic extensions or themes to recommend!

Furthermore, please let me know if you find this useful!

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